Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Canadian Adventure's End

Writing a travel blog as you do an RV trip with two children under the age of two proved to be very tricky. I never did finish up what I wanted to share about ourt last is a recap from what I can was over six months ago, after all. 

Our last day of our Canadian Rockies Road trip was pretty exhausting. Waterton to Missoula was going to be a long haul, so we attempted to head out super early. We got to the border bright and early only to find out that it didn't open until 9am. We waited behind a line of cars ahead of us and once 9am rolled around, we were still waiting. And waiting...and waiting... As it turned out, the US Border Officials hadn't shown up for work that day. Nice. There were some off duty officials staying in the border quarters and when they saw us, ran to open up the border. They were just a little bit miffed with management and shared some choice words about it! 

From the border, we headed to Saint Mary. This road was open range and we nearly hit a couple of cows and even saw horses walking across the road. A bit nerve racking! Once we got to Saint Mary, we thought we would be able to drive down Going to the Sun Road in Glacier National Park...But, sadly, the RV was too long (They don't allow vehicles past a certain length on the road) and we eneded up having to take an alternate road. We did do a short hike to Saint Mary Lake and also stopped in West Glacier on the road to Missoula. 

Once we got past West Glaicer, it kind of felt like the fun stuff was over and we had to rush to get to Missoula. It was a hard push to get there. We started running into lots of traffic and the kids were getting ansty. I was pretty ansty too! It was very much a, "Are we there YET?" kind of feeling. 

We finally pulled into Colin's uncle and anut's house that evening. Ada was thrilled to stretch out and play with her cousin's toys! They graciously fed us and we slept very comfortably one last night on their driveway. 

The next morning was utterly insane. We had been living in the RV for almost two weeks, and our stuff was scattered all throughout, plus we had tracked in a ton of dust and dirt from our hikes. We had to completely empty the contents of the RV and fit it all into a mini van we rented to get back home and then clean it out in about two hours. Colin's Aunt watched our kids for us (Thank you, Linda!) as Colin and I feverishly made that RV sparkle. All we were lacking was the William Tell Overture in the background! 

Missoula to home is a 4-5 hour drive and luckily, it was extremely uneventful. We had a couple of stops for feelings and a stop in my beloved Coeur d'Alene so Big Sis could play at the new city park. One last push got us home before dark. It was great to be home, not so great to unpack the MOUNTAINS of stuff we brought...

We learned a ton about traveling with small kids, traveling via RV, about what to bring and what not to bring, etc! Maybe I'll do a post on lessons learned sometime, but for now, it's "adios" because a new road is calling our names....

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